Welcome to NSC, Commander.
As our new Operations Commander, your task is to carefully choose how to manage our small mercenary company. Earn enough profit, and you'll live out the rest of your life in paradise. Otherwise... well, we do have Shareholders.
Good luck.
[[Let's get started|Main Page]]
<<set $Money to 300000>>\
<<set $Upkeep to 50000>>\
<<set $HitPoint to 10>>\
<<set $HitPointMax to 10>>\
<<set $ShipBonus to 0>>\
<<set $ShipDefence to 0>>\
<<set $Upgrades to 0>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 0>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 0>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 0>>\
It's a new month Commander.
<<if $Money >= 5000000>>\
You should know, we're getting some calls from larger companies. I think they're circling for a buyout.
<<elseif $Money >= 1000000>>\
Our accounts are looking great. Are we investing or saving?
<<elseif $Money >= 300000>>\
We're in the black, no complaints from accounting.
<<elseif $Money >= 150000>>\
We're looking a little light in the pocket at the moment.
<<elseif $Money >= 50000>>\
We're running on fumes, and our head accountant wants a word.
Make it or break it time, either we make some money or we're done next month.
<<if $ShipDefence >= 10>>\
Nemo could last toe to toe with just about anything in the Nebula. She's ironclad.
<<elseif $ShipDefence >= 7>>\
Nemo's looking sturdy and capable. We can last like the best of them.
<<elseif $ShipDefence >= 4>>\
That's more like it, Nemo could survive something real nasty with all this armour.
<<elseif $ShipDefence >= 2>>\
Nemo's looking stronger, we're avoiding some dangerous hits.
We're looking a little vulnerable at the moment. I'd buy some upgrades when we can.
<<if $ShipBonus >=10>>\
We've put as many weapons onto Nemo as we can without a refit. We could fight an Erdan Leviathan with all this gear.
<<elseif $ShipBonus >=7>>\
We're armed to the teeth, Nemo is about ready to tear up the next capital ship she sees.
<<elseif $ShipBonus >=4>>\
Looking good on the weapon front, we can expect to give as good as we could get, given the work we do.
<<elseif $ShipBonus >=2>>\
We're ramping up on armaments, boss. Nemo has never been tougher.
We could do with some upgrades for Nemo. She could mount a lot more firepower.
[[Visit the Shipyard|New Shipyard]]
<<run UIBar.unstow()>>\
<<if $HitPoint <= 0>> <<goto [[You're Bankrupt]]>>\
<<elseif $Money < 0>> <<goto [[You're Bankrupt]]>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 10000000>>[[You Win!]]
<strong>Select Contract:</strong>
<<if $Upgrades <= 11>>\
[[Simple Contract]] - Difficulty D4 | Profit ₰ 100,000
<<if $Upgrades >= 4 and $Upgrades <= 15>>\
[[Standard Contract]] - Difficulty D6 | Profit ₰ 200,000
<<if $Upgrades >= 8 and $Upgrades <= 19>>\
[[Intermediate Contract]] - Difficulty D8 | Profit ₰ 300,000
<<if $Upgrades >= 12>>\
[[Difficult Contract]] - Difficulty D10 | Profit ₰ 500,000
<<if $Upgrades >= 16>>\
[[Very Difficult Contract]] - Difficulty D12 | Profit ₰ 700,000
<<if $Upgrades >= 20>>\
[[Full Tour Contract]] - Difficulty D20 | Profit ₰ 1,000,000
<<click "Debug: Cash">>
<<set $Money to $Money + 1000000>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<</click>>\Well, either you ran out of money or you got the Nemo blown to hell. To be honest, it doesn't even matter which it is! It's a good job you have an Aunt on the Board of Directors, eh?
[[Here, try again.|Start]]Congratulations, you got bought out. The default victory condition for any company. Enjoy a life of luxury and clean air on an Erdan World.
[[You'd like to start again...?|Start]]Beets<<set $tmphundo to 100000>>\
<<set $tmptwohundo to 200000>>\
<<set $tmpthreehundo to 300000>>\
<<set $tmpfourhundo to 400000>>\
<<set $tmpfivehundo to 500000>>\
<<set $tmpsixhundo to 600000>>\<<button "How to Play">>
<<run Dialog.setup("How to Play")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("Every month you take a contract to attempt to earn money, and pay upkeep win or lose. Your ship, the Nemo, will invariably take damage as it completes contracts. If either you run into deficit, or lose your ship, the game ends. Purchase repairs and upgrades at the Shipyard. The more you spend there at one time, the more you'll get for your money. Your goal is to reach ₰ 10,000,000. Good luck!")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<strong>Nemo Status:</strong> $HitPoint / $HitPointMax
<strong>Attack Strength:</strong> $ShipBonus
<strong>Defence Strength:</strong> $ShipDefence
<strong>Balance:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + $Money.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Upkeep:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + $Upkeep.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Upgrades Bought:</strong> $UpgradesNemo Security Consultants<<set _friendroll to random (1,4)>>\
<<set _enemyroll to random (1,4)>>\
<<set _enemybonus to random (-2,0)>>\
<<set _enemydefence to random (-2,0)>>\
<<set _enemyhealth to 5>>\
<<set _reward to 150000>>\
<<set _friendlyattack to _friendroll + $ShipBonus>>\
<<set _enemyattack to _enemyroll + _enemybonus>>\
<<set _friendlydamage to Math.clamp(_enemyattack - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $HitPoint to Math.clamp($HitPoint - _friendlydamage, 0, $HitPointMax)>>\
<<timed 0.2s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo deploying to target orbit...
<<timed 0.4s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo engaging OPFOR...
<<timed 0.6s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo withdrawing...
<<timed 0.8s t8n>>\
"Receiving AAR..."
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<if _friendlyattack >= _enemyhealth>>\
<<set _reward to _reward + 50000>>\
NSC Nemo reporting OPFOR destroyed, contract complete.
<strong>Result - Critical Success</strong>
₰ 50,000 bonus offered for destruction of OPFOR.
<<elseif _friendlyattack > _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting completed contract.
<strong>Result - Success</strong>
Contract Complete, reward is as agreed.
<<elseif _friendlyattack is _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting inconclusive engagement.
<strong>Result - Draw</strong>
Reward halved for incomplete operation.
<<set _reward to _reward / 2>>\
<<set _reward to 0>>\
NSC Nemo reporting defeat and disengage.
<strong>Result - Defeat</strong>
No reward for failed contract.
<strong>Your Score:</strong> _friendroll + $ShipBonus = _friendlyattack
<strong>Their Score:</strong> _enemyroll + _enemybonus = _enemyattack
<<set _friendlydamagefinal to Math.clamp(_friendlydamage - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<strong>Damage Taken:</strong> _friendlydamage - $ShipDefence = _friendlydamagefinal
<<set _profit to _reward - $Upkeep>>\
<<set $Money to $Money + _profit>>\
<strong>Contract Income:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _reward.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Company Upkeep:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + $Upkeep.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Contract Profit:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _profit.toLocaleString()>>
[[Return to Base|Main Page]]
<</timed>>\<<set _friendroll to random (1,6)>>\
<<set _enemyroll to random (1,6)>>\
<<set _enemybonus to random (1,3)>>\
<<set _enemydefence to random (1,3)>>\
<<set _enemyhealth to 9>>\
<<set _reward to 250000>>\
<<set _friendlyattack to _friendroll + $ShipBonus>>\
<<set _enemyattack to _enemyroll + _enemybonus>>\
<<set _friendlydamage to Math.clamp(_enemyattack - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $HitPoint to Math.clamp($HitPoint - _friendlydamage, 0, $HitPointMax)>>\
<<timed 0.2s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo deploying to target orbit...
<<timed 0.4s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo engaging OPFOR...
<<timed 0.6s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo withdrawing...
<<timed 0.8s t8n>>\
"Receiving AAR..."
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<if _friendlyattack >= _enemyhealth>>\
<<set _reward to _reward + 50000>>\
NSC Nemo reporting OPFOR destroyed, contract complete.
<strong>Result - Critical Success</strong>
₰ 50,000 bonus offered for destruction of OPFOR.
<<elseif _friendlyattack > _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting completed contract.
<strong>Result - Success</strong>
Contract Complete, reward is as agreed.
<<elseif _friendlyattack is _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting inconclusive engagement.
<strong>Result - Draw</strong>
Reward halved for incomplete operation.
<<set _reward to _reward / 2>>\
<<set _reward to 0>>\
NSC Nemo reporting defeat and disengage.
<strong>Result - Defeat</strong>
No reward for failed contract.
<strong>Your Score:</strong> _friendroll + $ShipBonus = _friendlyattack
<strong>Their Score:</strong> _enemyroll + _enemybonus = _enemyattack
<<set _friendlydamagefinal to Math.clamp(_friendlydamage - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<strong>Damage Taken:</strong> _friendlydamage - $ShipDefence = _friendlydamagefinal
<<set _profit to _reward - $Upkeep>>\
<<set $Money to $Money + _profit>>\
<strong>Contract Income:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _reward.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Company Upkeep:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + $Upkeep.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Contract Profit:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _profit.toLocaleString()>>
[[Return to Base|Main Page]]
<</timed>>\<<set _friendroll to random (1,8)>>\
<<set _enemyroll to random (1,8)>>\
<<set _enemybonus to random (2,4)>>\
<<set _enemydefence to random (2,4)>>\
<<set _enemyhealth to 12>>\
<<set _reward to 350000>>\
<<set _friendlyattack to _friendroll + $ShipBonus>>\
<<set _enemyattack to _enemyroll + _enemybonus>>\
<<set _friendlydamage to Math.clamp(_enemyattack - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $HitPoint to Math.clamp($HitPoint - _friendlydamage, 0, $HitPointMax)>>\
<<timed 0.2s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo deploying to target orbit...
<<timed 0.4s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo engaging OPFOR...
<<timed 0.6s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo withdrawing...
<<timed 0.8s t8n>>\
"Receiving AAR..."
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<if _friendlyattack >= _enemyhealth>>\
<<set _reward to _reward + 50000>>\
NSC Nemo reporting OPFOR destroyed, contract complete.
<strong>Result - Critical Success</strong>
₰ 50,000 bonus offered for destruction of OPFOR.
<<elseif _friendlyattack > _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting completed contract.
<strong>Result - Success</strong>
Contract Complete, reward is as agreed.
<<elseif _friendlyattack is _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting inconclusive engagement.
<strong>Result - Draw</strong>
Reward halved for incomplete operation.
<<set _reward to _reward / 2>>\
<<set _reward to 0>>\
NSC Nemo reporting defeat and disengage.
<strong>Result - Defeat</strong>
No reward for failed contract.
<strong>Your Score:</strong> _friendroll + $ShipBonus = _friendlyattack
<strong>Their Score:</strong> _enemyroll + _enemybonus = _enemyattack
<<set _friendlydamagefinal to Math.clamp(_friendlydamage - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<strong>Damage Taken:</strong> _friendlydamage - $ShipDefence = _friendlydamagefinal
<<set _profit to _reward - $Upkeep>>\
<<set $Money to $Money + _profit>>\
<strong>Contract Income:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _reward.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Company Upkeep:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + $Upkeep.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Contract Profit:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _profit.toLocaleString()>>
[[Return to Base|Main Page]]
<</timed>>\<<set _friendroll to random (1,10)>>\
<<set _enemyroll to random (1,10)>>\
<<set _enemybonus to random (4,6)>>\
<<set _enemydefence to random (4,6)>>\
<<set _enemyhealth to 16>>\
<<set _reward to 500000>>\
<<set _friendlyattack to _friendroll + $ShipBonus>>\
<<set _enemyattack to _enemyroll + _enemybonus>>\
<<set _friendlydamage to Math.clamp(_enemyattack - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $HitPoint to Math.clamp($HitPoint - _friendlydamage, 0, $HitPointMax)>>\
<<timed 0.2s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo deploying to target orbit...
<<timed 0.4s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo engaging OPFOR...
<<timed 0.6s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo withdrawing...
<<timed 0.8s t8n>>\
"Receiving AAR..."
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<if _friendlyattack >= _enemyhealth>>\
<<set _reward to _reward + 50000>>\
NSC Nemo reporting OPFOR destroyed, contract complete.
<strong>Result - Critical Success</strong>
₰ 50,000 bonus offered for destruction of OPFOR.
<<elseif _friendlyattack > _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting completed contract.
<strong>Result - Success</strong>
Contract Complete, reward is as agreed.
<<elseif _friendlyattack is _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting inconclusive engagement.
<strong>Result - Draw</strong>
Reward halved for incomplete operation.
<<set _reward to _reward / 2>>\
<<set _reward to 0>>\
NSC Nemo reporting defeat and disengage.
<strong>Result - Defeat</strong>
No reward for failed contract.
<strong>Your Score:</strong> _friendroll + $ShipBonus = _friendlyattack
<strong>Their Score:</strong> _enemyroll + _enemybonus = _enemyattack
<<set _friendlydamagefinal to Math.clamp(_friendlydamage - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<strong>Damage Taken:</strong> _friendlydamage - $ShipDefence = _friendlydamagefinal
<<set _profit to _reward - $Upkeep>>\
<<set $Money to $Money + _profit>>\
<strong>Contract Income:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _reward.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Company Upkeep:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + $Upkeep.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Contract Profit:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _profit.toLocaleString()>>
[[Return to Base|Main Page]]
<</timed>>\<<set _friendroll to random (1,12)>>\
<<set _enemyroll to random (1,12)>>\
<<set _enemybonus to random (6,8)>>\
<<set _enemydefence to random (6,8)>>\
<<set _enemyhealth to 20>>\
<<set _reward to 750000>>\
<<set _friendlyattack to _friendroll + $ShipBonus>>\
<<set _enemyattack to _enemyroll + _enemybonus>>\
<<set _friendlydamage to Math.clamp(_enemyattack - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $HitPoint to Math.clamp($HitPoint - _friendlydamage, 0, $HitPointMax)>>\
<<timed 0.2s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo deploying to target orbit...
<<timed 0.4s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo engaging OPFOR...
<<timed 0.6s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo withdrawing...
<<timed 0.8s t8n>>\
"Receiving AAR..."
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<if _friendlyattack >= _enemyhealth>>\
<<set _reward to _reward + 50000>>\
NSC Nemo reporting OPFOR destroyed, contract complete.
<strong>Result - Critical Success</strong>
₰ 50,000 bonus offered for destruction of OPFOR.
<<elseif _friendlyattack > _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting completed contract.
<strong>Result - Success</strong>
Contract Complete, reward is as agreed.
<<elseif _friendlyattack is _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting inconclusive engagement.
<strong>Result - Draw</strong>
Reward halved for incomplete operation.
<<set _reward to _reward / 2>>\
<<set _reward to 0>>\
NSC Nemo reporting defeat and disengage.
<strong>Result - Defeat</strong>
No reward for failed contract.
<strong>Your Score:</strong> _friendroll + $ShipBonus = _friendlyattack
<strong>Their Score:</strong> _enemyroll + _enemybonus = _enemyattack
<<set _friendlydamagefinal to Math.clamp(_friendlydamage - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<strong>Damage Taken:</strong> _friendlydamage - $ShipDefence = _friendlydamagefinal
<<set _profit to _reward - $Upkeep>>\
<<set $Money to $Money + _profit>>\
<strong>Contract Income:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _reward.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Company Upkeep:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + $Upkeep.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Contract Profit:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _profit.toLocaleString()>>
[[Return to Base|Main Page]]
<</timed>>\<<set _friendroll to random (1,20)>>\
<<set _enemyroll to random (1,20)>>\
<<set _enemybonus to random (9,10)>>\
<<set _enemydefence to random (9,10)>>\
<<set _enemyhealth to 30>>\
<<set _reward to 1000000>>\
<<set _friendlyattack to _friendroll + $ShipBonus>>\
<<set _enemyattack to _enemyroll + _enemybonus>>\
<<set _friendlydamage to Math.clamp(_enemyattack - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $HitPoint to Math.clamp($HitPoint - _friendlydamage, 0, $HitPointMax)>>\
<<timed 0.2s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo deploying to target orbit...
<<timed 0.4s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo engaging OPFOR...
<<timed 0.6s t8n>>\
NSC Nemo withdrawing...
<<timed 0.8s t8n>>\
"Receiving AAR..."
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<if _friendlyattack >= _enemyhealth>>\
<<set _reward to _reward + 50000>>\
NSC Nemo reporting OPFOR destroyed, contract complete.
<strong>Result - Critical Success</strong>
₰ 50,000 bonus offered for destruction of OPFOR.
<<elseif _friendlyattack > _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting completed contract.
<strong>Result - Success</strong>
Contract Complete, reward is as agreed.
<<elseif _friendlyattack is _enemyattack>>\
NSC Nemo reporting inconclusive engagement.
<strong>Result - Draw</strong>
Reward halved for incomplete operation.
<<set _reward to _reward / 2>>\
<<set _reward to 0>>\
NSC Nemo reporting defeat and disengage.
<strong>Result - Defeat</strong>
No reward for failed contract.
<strong>Your Score:</strong> _friendroll + $ShipBonus = _friendlyattack
<strong>Their Score:</strong> _enemyroll + _enemybonus = _enemyattack
<<set _friendlydamagefinal to Math.clamp(_friendlydamage - $ShipDefence, 0, 100)>>\
<strong>Damage Taken:</strong> _friendlydamage - $ShipDefence = _friendlydamagefinal
<<set _profit to _reward - $Upkeep>>\
<<set $Money to $Money + _profit>>\
<strong>Contract Income:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _reward.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Company Upkeep:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + $Upkeep.toLocaleString()>>
<strong>Contract Profit:</strong> <<print '₰ ' + _profit.toLocaleString()>>
[[Return to Base|Main Page]]
<</timed>>\Welcome to the hab's shipyards, Commander. We're just humble folk who can knock a ferrous plate into shape or add a few bit and bobs here and there. Share some of those profits of yours and we'll see what we can do for you, eh?
<<if $HitPoint <= $HitPointMax - 10 and $Money >= 80000>>\
You've taken her through hell, I can see that. I'll say right away; ₰ 80,000 and we'll get to work. I don't even want to know how many crew you lost through a hole that big.
<<click "Repair 10hp">>
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 10>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -80000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $HitPoint <= $HitPointMax - 5 and $Money >= 40000>>\
That's a nasty hole you got right there. Tell you what, it's a big enough job, we can put in a bulk order from the next system over and give ya a discount. ₰ 40,000, how about it?
<<click "Repair 5hp">>
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 5>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -40000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $HitPoint <= $HitPointMax - 1 and $Money >= 10000>>\
You've got a few dings in your hull there, can't help but notice. No shame in it, only fighters without scars are the babes or the myths eh? Still, we can buff that out in no time. ₰ 10,000 for the whole lot, what do you say?
<<click "Repair 1hp">>
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -10000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
Not a scratch, eh? Well, lucky for some. We'll be here when you need work done.
<<if $Money >= 300000 and $ATKUpgrades < 1>>\
Upgrade Attack Strength to 1 for ₰ 300,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $ShipBonus to 1>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 1>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -300000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 300000 and $ATKUpgrades < 2>>\
Upgrade Attack Strength to 2 for ₰ 300,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $ShipBonus to 2>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 2>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -300000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 400000 and $ATKUpgrades < 3>>\
Upgrade Attack Strength to 3 for ₰ 400,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $ShipBonus to 3>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 3>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -400000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 400000 and $ATKUpgrades < 4>>\
Upgrade Attack Strength to 4 for ₰ 400,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $ShipBonus to 4>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 4>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -400000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 500000 and $ATKUpgrades < 5>>\
Upgrade Attack Strength to 5 for ₰ 500,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $ShipBonus to 5>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 5>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -500000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 600000 and $ATKUpgrades < 6>>\
Upgrade Attack Strength to 6 for ₰ 600,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $ShipBonus to 6>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 6>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -600000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 700000 and $ATKUpgrades < 7>>\
Upgrade Attack Strength to 7 for ₰ 700,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $ShipBonus to 7>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 7>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -700000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 800000 and $ATKUpgrades < 8>>\
Upgrade Attack Strength to 8 for ₰ 800,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $ShipBonus to 8>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 8>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -800000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 900000 and $ATKUpgrades < 9>>\
Upgrade Attack Strength to 9 for ₰ 900,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $ShipBonus to 9>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 9>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -900000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 1000000 and $ATKUpgrades < 10>>\
Upgrade Attack Strength to 10 for ₰ 1,000,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $ShipBonus to 10>>\
<<set $ATKUpgrades to 10>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -1000000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $ATKUpgrades is 10>>\
All Attack Strength Upgrades Bought
Attack Strength Can't Afford
<<if $Money >= 300000 and $DEFUpgrades < 1>>\
You've been doing well with good old fashioned ferrous plate, but you can't live like us humble folks forever, you need something better. We're going to start by just replacing what you got with Boron Carbide; heavier but stronger. It'll run you ₰300,000, if you can spare it.
<<click "Upgrade Defence">>
<<set $ShipDefence to 1>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 1>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -300000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 300000 and $DEFUpgrades < 2>>\
How're you liking the upgrade? Weight is an issue, yeah? Well we can do something about that right now, if you've got another ₰300,000 lying around. We've got enough Mixed Composite blend to get you set up, just say the word.
<<click "Upgrade Defence">>
<<set $ShipDefence to 2>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 2>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -300000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 400000 and $DEFUpgrades < 3>>\
You know, if you don't mind returning to the heavier side, we've gotten ourselves on a new Composite blend. It's Diamond based, pricier but about as hard as you can be without getting all fancy with it. It'll run you down ₰ 400,000.
<<click "Upgrade Defence">>
<<set $ShipDefence to 3>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 3>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -400000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 400000 and $DEFUpgrades < 4>>\
Now, stop me if you've heard this before: Metal Foam. No? The Erdan Magnates love this stuff, lighter but tougher. You've been a good customer, so I saved a haul of it for you as soon as we got it. Take it at just ₰ 400,000, with compliments.
<<click "Upgrade Defence">>
<<set $ShipDefence to 4>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 4>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -400000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 500000 and $DEFUpgrades < 5>>\
She's a lot tougher than she used to be, eh? Well we're approaching the end of what we can do with conventional armours, boss, but I've still got one more trick up my sleeve. You've got the standard composite Metal Foam, but we're going to repurpose your old Boron Carbide plates to make our own. ₰ 500,000 to get it all done, say no more.
<<click "Upgrade Defence">>
<<set $ShipDefence to 5>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 5>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -500000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 600000 and $DEFUpgrades < 6>>\
Thought we were done upgrading? Not a chance. We can't make the shell tougher, but we're ready to get to work on the internals. Right now you've got basic water cooling running right under your armour, all over the ship. We're going to switch to Liquid Mercury. ₰ 600,000, but liquid metal cooling is a completely different league of heat management, you'll see.
<<click "Upgrade Defence">>
<<set $ShipDefence to 6>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 6>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -600000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 700000 and $DEFUpgrades < 7>>\
Gotta say, you're making us quite rich, it's really opening up our contacts out of system. I've got an ear on some Liquid Galinstan, which frankly is twice as good for liquid cooling than the mercury you got in there now. ₰ 700,000, should I make the call?
<<click "Upgrade Defence">>
<<set $ShipDefence to 7>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 7>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -700000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 810000 and $DEFUpgrades < 8>>\
We're really pushing the envelope now. We're up to the big three in terms of liquid metal cooling. First up, Liquid Indium. It's got a few downsides, but it's the best you can get without needing it's own generator to keep the temperature right. ₰ 810,000 will set it all up, nice and easy. The extra ₰ 10,000 is collateral, this stuff's toxic to work on and I got people to protect.
<<click "Upgrade Defence">>
<<set $ShipDefence to 8>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 8>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -810000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 900000 and $DEFUpgrades < 9>>\
Alright, next up, we're going to have to reinstall those dedicated generators from your water and mercury cooling days. Liquid Tin is some real nice stuff, not much harder to run than indium but much safer incase of emergency. It'll freeze out of combat, what we'll need the old generators for, but it's near enough the best you can get. It'll run you ₰ 900,000.
<<click "Upgrade Defence">>
<<set $ShipDefence to 9>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 9>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -900000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 1000000 and $DEFUpgrades < 10>>\
It's been a long road, huh? ₰ 1,000,000 will buy you Liquid Cerium. This stuff wicks heat off your armour practically immediately, seriously potent stuff. Between this and your basic Wipple Shield, and you're just not going to feel a lot of the hits you used to.
<<click "Upgrade Defence">>
<<set $ShipDefence to 10>>\
<<set $DEFUpgrades to 10>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -1000000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $DEFUpgrades is 10>>\
You've cleaned me out, boss. Boron Carbide Metal Foam cooled with Liquid Cerium Cooling and a Wipple Shield on top? That's about all that we humans have got. You want something better, you can try and ask the aliens. Given all this, you might even survive the first shot.
I've got some ideas, you come back to me when your account is looking a little healthier, eh boss?
<<if $Money >= 300000 and $HPUpgrades < 1>>\
Upgrade Health to 15 for ₰ 300,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $HitPointMax to 15>>\
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 5>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 1>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -300000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 300000 and $HPUpgrades < 2>>\
Upgrade Health to 20 for ₰ 300,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $HitPointMax to 20>>\
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 5>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 2>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -300000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 400000 and $HPUpgrades < 3>>\
Upgrade Health to 25 for ₰ 400,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $HitPointMax to 25>>\
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 5>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 3>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -400000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 400000 and $HPUpgrades < 4>>\
Upgrade Health to 30 for ₰ 400,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $HitPointMax to 30>>\
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 5>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 4>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -400000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 500000 and $HPUpgrades < 5>>\
Upgrade Health to 35 for ₰ 500,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $HitPointMax to 35>>\
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 5>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 5>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -500000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 600000 and $HPUpgrades < 6>>\
Upgrade Health to 45 for ₰ 600,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $HitPointMax to 45>>\
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 10>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 6>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -600000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 700000 and $HPUpgrades < 7>>\
Upgrade Health to 55 for ₰ 700,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $HitPointMax to 55>>\
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 10>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 7>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -700000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 800000 and $HPUpgrades < 8>>\
Upgrade Health to 70 for ₰ 800,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $HitPointMax to 70>>\
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 15>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 8>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -800000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 900000 and $HPUpgrades < 9>>\
Upgrade Health to 85 for ₰ 900,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $HitPointMax to 85>>\
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 15>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 9>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -900000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $Money >= 1000000 and $HPUpgrades < 10>>\
Upgrade Health to 100 for ₰ 1,000,000
<<click "Upgrade">>
<<set $HitPointMax to 100>>\
<<set $HitPoint to $HitPoint + 15>>\
<<set $HPUpgrades to 10>>\
<<set $Upgrades to $Upgrades +1>>\
<<set $Money to $Money -1000000>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<elseif $HPUpgrades is 10>>\
All Hit Point Upgrades Bought
Hit Point Upgrade Can't Afford
Good luck with the whole killing for money business!
[[Main Page]]